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Eyrun F Kjetland (PhD)
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Researcher bio: Eyrun F Kjetland (PhD)
Title: DUALSAVE-FGS Coordinator, Professor, Medical Doctor
Institutional affiliation(s): Oslo University Hospital, Norway. In South Africa, she is also affiliated with University of KwaZulu-Natal, eThekweni and with BRIGHT Academy, Centre for Bilharzia and Tropical Health Research, Ugu District.
Field of research: Female Genital Schistosomiasis (FGS), clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment. FGS’ association with HIV, cervical cancer, and sexually transmitted diseases.
Link to publications: https://www.ous-research.no/home/tropical/Group+members/14805
Research with DUALSAVE-FGS: Evaluate multi-spectral diagnosis for FGS and cervical cancer in Mozambique, Eswatini, and South Africa. Create and evaluate AI, training and education for FGS, explore healthcare provider and patient perspectives. Tutor PhD and Masters students, and facilitate policy development.

Sibone Mocumbi (PhD)
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Researcher bio: Sibone Mocumbi (PhD)
Title: Head of Department/Gynaecologist
Institutional affiliation(s): Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Central Hospital Maputo/Faculty of Medicine, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique
Field(s) of research:
Link to publications:
Research with DUALSAVE-FGS: Participate in the machine learning of FGS and cervical cancer, the diagnostic clinical trial in Mozambique, Eswatini, and South Africa on point-of-care, multi-spectral, dual diagnostic tool for FGS and cervical cancer, training and education for FGS and in healthcare provider and patient perspectives on the multi-spectral diagnostic tool. He will participate in the management.

Cesaltina Lorenzoni (PhD)
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Researcher bio: Cesaltina Lorenzoni (PhD)
Title: Professor/Head of Department
Institutional affiliation(s): Cervical cancer screening programme, Department of Histopathology, Central Hospital Maputo/Faculty of Medicine, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique
Field(s) of research:
Link to publications:
Research with DUALSAVE-FGS: Participate in diagnostic clinical trial on a point-of-care, multi-spectral, dual diagnostic tool for FGS and cervical cancer in Mozambique, Eswatini, and South Africa. Participate in management, dissemination, the Summer-Winter school, scientific deliberations and growth.

Sheila Mabote Mocumbi (MSc)
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Researcher bio: Sheila Mabote Mocumbi (MSc)
Title: Dr
Institutional affiliation(s): Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique
Field(s) of research:
Link to publications:
Research with DUALSAVE-FGS: Participate in diagnostic clinical trial on a point-of-care, multi-spectral, dual diagnostic tool for FGS and cervical cancer in Mozambique, Eswatini, and South Africa. Participate in the Summer-Winter school and training of health professionals.

Gerito Augusto (PhD)
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Researcher bio: Gerito Augusto (PhD)
Title: Dr
Institutional affiliation(s): Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique
Field(s) of research:
Link to publications:
Research with DUALSAVE-FGS: Participate in diagnostic clinical trial on a point-of-care, multi-spectral, dual diagnostic tool for FGS and cervical cancer in Mozambique, Eswatini, and South Africa. Participate in the Summer-Winter school and training of health professionals.

Saloshni Naidoo (PhD)
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Title: Professor, Head of Department
Institutional affiliation(s): Discipline of Public Health, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Field(s) of research:
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Research with DUALSAVE-FGS:

Motshedisi Hannah Sebitloane (PhD)
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Researcher bio: Motshedisi Hannah Sebitloane (PhD)
Title: Professor, Head of Department
Institutional affiliation(s): Discipline of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Field(s) of research:
Link to publications:
Research with DUALSAVE-FGS: Professor Sebitloane will participate in machine learning aspects for FGS, a diagnostic clinical trial on a point-of-care, multi-spectral, dual diagnostic tool for FGS and cervical cancer in Mozambique, Eswatini, and South Africa. She will participate in exploring and facilitating training and education for FGS, training of PhD and Masters Students, and participate in management and dissemination of knowledge.

Khumbulani Hlongwana (PhD)
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Researcher bio: Khumbulani Hlongwana (PhD)
Title: Dr
Institutional affiliation(s): Discipline of Public Health, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Field(s) of research:
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Research with DUALSAVE-FGS:

Myra Taylor (PhD)
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Researcher bio: Myra Taylor (PhD)
Title: Professor
Institutional affiliation(s): Discipline of Public Health, University of KwaZulu-Natal and affiliated with Centre for Bilharzia and Tropical Health Research
Field(s) of research: Child and Adolescent Health & Development, neglected tropical diseases, schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminths research since 1995, nutrition, community health
Link to publications:
Research with DUALSAVE-FGS: Aiming to reduce Female Genital Schistosomiasis, will participate in a diagnostic clinical trial on a diagnostic tool for FGS and cervical cancer in Mozambique, Eswatini, and South Africa. Explore and facilitate training and education for FGS, training of PhD and Masters Students, and participate in management and dissemination of knowledge.

Themba G Ginindza (PhD)
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Researcher bio: Themba G Ginindza (PhD)
Title: Dr
Institutional affiliation(s): Discipline of Public Health, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Field(s) of research:
Link to publications:
Research with DUALSAVE-FGS:

Chester Kalinda (PhD)
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Researcher bio: Chester Kalinda (PhD)
Title: Researcher and Public Health Specialist
Institutional affiliation(s): Discipline of Public Health, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Field(s) of research:
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Research with DUALSAVE-FGS:

Patricia Ndhlovu (PhD)
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Researcher bio: Patricia Ndhlovu (PhD)
Title: Dr, Associate Senior Research Fellow
Institutional affiliation(s): Centre for Bilharzia and Tropical Health Research; University of Edinburgh Scotland; Imperial College London, UK
Field(s) of research:
Link to publications:
Research with DUALSAVE-FGS: She will participate in a diagnostic clinical trial on a point-of-care, multi-spectral, dual diagnostic tool for FGS and cervical cancer in Mozambique, Eswatini, and South Africa, explore and facilitate training and education for FGS, training of PhD and Masters Students, and participate in management and dissemination of knowledge.

Pavitra Pillay (PhD)
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Researcher bio: Pavitra Pillay (PhD)
Title: Professor
Institutional affiliation(s): Durban University of Technology
Field(s) of research:
Link to publications: )
Research with DUALSAVE-FGS: She will participate in the diagnostic clinical trial on point-of-care, multi-spectral, dual diagnostic tool for FGS and cervical cancer in Mozambique, Eswatini, and South Africa.

Silindile Gagai (BSc)
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Researcher bio: Silindile Gagai (BSc)
Title: Research administrator
Institutional affiliation(s): Centre for Bilharzia and Tropical Health Research (CBTHR)/BRIGHT Academy
Field(s) of research:
Link to publications: https://www.linkedin.com/in/silindile-gagai-59498164/
Research with DUALSAVE-FGS: Facilitate machine learning aspects for FGS and diagnostic clinical trials in Mozambique, Eswatini, and South Africa. She will facilitate training and education for FGS and research training for PhD and Masters Students.

Fortunate Shabalala (PhD)
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Researcher bio: Fortunate Shabalala (PhD)
Title: Professor
Institutional affiliation(s): University of Eswatini
Field(s) of research:
Link to publications:
Research with DUALSAVE-FGS:

Faith Dlamini (Masters)
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Researcher bio: Faith Dlamini (Masters)
Title: University lecturer
Institutional affiliation(s): University of Eswatini
Field(s) of research:
Link to publications:
Research with DUALSAVE-FGS:

Sakhile Masuku (PhD)
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Researcher bio: Sakhile Masuku (PhD)
Title: Dr
Institutional affiliation(s): University of Eswatini
Field(s) of research:
Public Health, HIV, Non-communicable & Communicable diseases, Nutrition, Health Research Ethics, Epidemiology, Statistical Modelling, Economic Evaluation of Diseases and development of models/frameworks for health outcomes.
Link to publications: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/
Research with DUALSAVE-FGS:
Background information: Knowledge, attitude and preventive practices of risk groups for schistosomiasis are important aspects for the control and Dr Masuku has identified an average knowledge, good attitude and practices of grade 5-7 towards schistosomiasis in Siphofaneni, a rural area in Eswatini. This level of knowledge about urinary schistosomiasis needs to be addressed through intensive health education that should focus on the cause and means of transmission as well as the risk behaviours associated with the acquisition of the disease.

Ioannis Koutalonis (MSc)
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SAVE-System calibration, regulatory clearance, training of users, clinical data analysis Researcher bio: Ioannis Koutalonis (BSc, MSc)
Title: Product and Regulatory Manager at QCELL
Institutional affiliation(s): QCELL
Field(s) of research:Data structures and analytics, Statistical Analysis of Biophysical
Link to publications: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=el&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=i.koutalonis&btnG=
Research with DUALSAVE-FGS: Create a point-of-care, multi-spectral, dual diagnostic tool for FGS and cervical cancer and participate in a diagnostic clinical trial in Mozambique, Eswatini, and South Africa.

Svein Gunnar Gundersen (PhD)
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Researcher bio: Name: Svein Gunnar Gundersen (PhD)
Title: Professor
Institutional affiliation(s): University of Agder, Norway
Field of research: Infectious and parasitic diseases, epidemiology, clinical research
Link to publications: https://www.uia.no/en/kk/profile/sveingg
Research with DUALSAVE-FGS: General advisor on diagnostic clinical trial, training and education for FGS, facilitate healthcare provider and patient perspectives, participate in management and dissemination of knowledge.

Santiago Gil Martinez (PhD)
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Researcher bio: Santiago Gil Martinez (PhD)
Title: Associate Professor
Institutional affiliation(s): University of Agder, Norway.
Field(s) of research: schistosomiasis, epidemiology, public health, infectious diseases
Link to publications: https://www.uia.no/en/kk/profile/santiagm
Research with DUALSAVE-FGS:

Hanne Haaland (PhD)
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Researcher bio: Hanne Haaland (PhD)
Title: Head of Department
Institutional affiliation(s): University of Agder, Norway
Field(s) of research:
Link to publications:
Research with DUALSAVE-FGS:

Ameli Tropé (PhD)
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Researcher bio: Eyrun F Kjetland (PhD)
Title: DUALSAVE-FGS Coordinator, Professor, Medical Doctor
Institutional affiliation(s): Oslo University Hospital, Norway. In South Africa, she is also affiliated with University of KwaZulu-Natal, eThekweni and with BRIGHT Academy, Centre for Bilharzia and Tropical Health Research, Ugu District.
Field of research: Female Genital Schistosomiasis (FGS), clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment. FGS’ association with HIV, cervical cancer, and sexually transmitted diseases.
Link to publications: https://www.ous-research.no/home/tropical/Group+members/14805
Research with DUALSAVE-FGS: Evaluate multi-spectral diagnosis for FGS and cervical cancer in Mozambique, Eswatini, and South Africa. Create and evaluate AI, training and education for FGS, explore healthcare provider and patient perspectives. Tutor PhD and Masters students, and facilitate policy development.

Solrun Søfteland (MMED, Cand.med.)
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Researcher bio: Solrun Søfteland (MMED, Cand.med.)
Title: MD/PhD candidate
Institutional affiliation(s): Oslo University Hospital, Norway/University of Oslo, Norway
Field(s) of research:
Link to publications:
Research with DUALSAVE-FGS: Participate in diagnostic clinical trial on point-of-care, multi-spectral, dual diagnostic tool for FGS and cervical cancer in Mozambique, Eswatini, and South Africa. She will participate in exploring and facilitating training and education for FGS.

Costas Balas (PhD)
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Researcher bio: Costas Balas (PhD)
Title: Head of Electronics and Photonics Department, Technical University of Crete, Greece, Founder, CEO and CSO of QCELL, Greece, Founder and CEO of Spectricon, Greece, Founder of DySIS Medical, USA and UK
Field (s) of Research: Biophotonics, Biomedical Engineering, Hyperspectral Imaging, Medical Imaging Devises, Tissue Spectroscopy, Functional Imaging, Optical Biopsy, Cervical Cancer.
Link to publications: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=NkVkf9QAAAAJ&hl=en
Link to patents: https://patents.google.com/?inventor=Konstantinos+Balas&oq=Konstantinos+Balas
Research with DUALSAVE-FGS: Steering committee member, Design and development of Spectral Artificial Vision Examination (SAVE) colposcope (versions A and B), clinical trial design, imaging data analysis and system’s training, development of novel diagnostic indices and criteria based spectral and functional imaging patterns and machine learning/AI algorithms.

Read Profile
Title: Faculty Instructor photonics & electronics, Technical University of Crete, Greece, Chief Operations Officer at QCELL
Link to publications: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=el&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=kortsalioudakis+n&oq=Kortsalioudakis+
Field (s) of research: Lasers, Biophotonics, Light Mater Interaction Modeling, Spectroscopy, Hyperspectral Imaging
Research with DUALSAVE-FGS:
SAVE-System Technical Validation, Supply Chain, Imaging Data Analysis